Independent Slot Power technology and tantalum caps on each slot with XLR sockets in/out for each slot.
The WesAudio Supercarrier II is a second generation of the very popular Supercarrier I – 500 series standardized chassis. It features 11 slots with innovative ISP technology.
ISP – Independent Slot PowerA solution which makes a huge breakthrough in 500 series powering system, WesAudio Supercarrier II provides the best accommodation for even most demanding 500 series modules.
What it is? It's it!Simply put, with ISP technology, each slot is individually supplied with linear power which causes each module to work in totally isolated, and independent way. To say it simple, it is like each of 11 modules would work in separate 500 series frames, what makes it ideal environment for your beloved hardware – without any interference, noise, pops or clicks. To separate each slot even more, tantalum caps were introduced to each slot cleaning the entire frequency spectrum from any other unwanted noise. The Supercarrier II offers all inputs and outputs on XLR 3-pin connectors, plus DB25 multipin connectors for the first eight slots. The chassis itself, is powered by big 100W toroid external supply.
- The Supercarrier II from WesAudio is a 11 slot 500 series frame that's fully compatible with the API standard.
WesAudio Supercarrier II 500 Series Power Supply Rack
- 11 slots
- ISP (Independent Slot Power) technology
- Tantalum caps on each slot
- XLR sockets in/out for each slot
- DB-25 socket for first 8 slots
- Internal stereo link switches
- Linear power supply capable to deliver 5A of power
- Power mode switch – 115V/230V