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The SPL Control One is a monitor controller in SPL's One series of high-quality audio equipment. This monitor controller offers two stereo inputs (one balanced, one unbalanced) as well as two speaker outputs, a headphone output, and a subwoofer output. As with the inputs, the output sections give you a choice of balanced or unbalanced 1/4" connection points.

An input selector lets you switch among the two sources, which you can also blend, if that is your desire. An output selector allows you to choose between your A and B output sets. Another front-panel switch sums the stereo output to mono, which can be useful for checking the integrity of your mix. You can also swap the left and right channels in order to ensure that your center elements are truly centered.

In the headphone section, note the Crossfeed knob; it engages the Phonitor Matrix, SPL's technology for emulating speaker positioning within a room, all in your headphones. With the Crossfeed knob, you can dial-in subtle amounts of the opposing channel to emulate the feeling of speakers. Mixing engineers might find this feature particularly handy when mixing in headphones.

The headphone amp itself utilizes a Class AB design and is able to power both high- and low-impedance headphones alike. You can go between your favorite consumer-grade closed-backs and your high-grade open backs without problem. A 12V external power supply unit is included.

2 Stereo Inputs

Two analog stereo inputs can be connected to the Control One for sources such as a DA converter, CD player, mixing console, synthesizer, analog tape machine, tape deck, or more. You can also listen to a mix of your two sets of inputs.

Clean Line Output

The selected input signal is output unchanged at the Line Out. This allows the Control One to be looped between devices. If several people want to listen via headphones, a headphone amplifier can be connected to the Line Out. You can also record the analog signal or send it to a mixer for further processing.

Three Monitoring Modes

Three monitoring modes are on hand. In the middle is the default setting "Stereo". To check the mono compatibility, set the switch to Mono. The third setting is a channel swap, which swaps the left and right channels. This is a great way to test if center elements are in fact sitting in the center of your mix, as you intended them. It's also an easy way to correct incorrect left/right orientation while viewing media.

Class AB Power Amp

The output stage of the headphone amplifier is designed as a push-pull amplifier in class AB mode. The bipolar transistors share the amplification of the positive and negative half-waves, which produces a higher gain and a higher output voltage than in Class A operation, where only one transistor amplifies both half-waves.
The output stage transistors are thermally coupled and thus run particularly coherently, which contributes to a consistent and stable sound image.
The power supply has a buffer circuit with low source resistance, ensuring generous current reserves even when operating low-impedance headphones.

Adjustable Crossfeed for Stereo Speaker Sound

In the headphone amplifier is the Phonitor Matrix with adjustable crossfeed; you can use it to recreate the feeling of speakers inside headphones. The crossfeed knob determines the crosstalk of the channels—the so-called interaural level difference. The intensity of the crossfeed is fully variable.


At the beginning of the control path, the function is not in the audio path. It is only switched on by adding it via relay (hysteresis circuit). The audio signal therefore does not pass through the crossfeed stage if this is not desired.

SPL Control One Monitor Controller

  • Phonitor Matrix

    L/R > R/L reverses the stereo image

    Three Monitoring Modes

    Line Out

    Two Stereo Inputs

    Two Speaker & One Subwoofer outs

  • Input gain (max.)-

     +22.5 dBu

    Line Input 1 (balanced)

    Input impedance: 20 kΩ

    Common mode rejection: < 60 dB

    Line Input 2 (unbalanced)

    Input impedance: 10 kΩ

    Output gain (max.)

    - Speaker Outputs (600 Ω): +22 dBu

    Line Output (unbalanced)

    - Output impedance: 75 Ω

    Speaker Output 1 (balanced)

    Output impedance: 150 Ω

    Low filter: none (full range)

    Speaker Output 2 (unbalanced)

    - Output impedance: 75 Ω

    Frequency range (-3dB)

    - 10 Hz - 200 kHz

    Dynamic range

    - 121 dB

    Noise (A-weighted, 600 Ω load)

    - -99 dBu

    Total harmonic distortion (0 dBu, 10 Hz – 22 kHz)

    - 0.002 %

    Crosstalk (1 kHz)

    - < 75 dB

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