The GC Audio RE 73 Inherit Preamp Cartridge is a reissue of the famed 1970's British mix desk preamplifier that we all love. Some might say that setting out to improve upon such a legendary design could be considered blasphemous. In order to go beyond pre-existing achievements, it was extremely important this already renowned circuit be optimised to achieve the best possible results when paired with the Inherit Preamp System. In order to achieve this, an additional ultra low noise transistor, a high end shield version VTB9045 transformer, and a modern day digital gain design were included with the original design. The RE 73 is recommended for sound engineers in pursuit of an audio signal that drips with vintage color and warmth while also packing that warrior type Arturo Gatti punching power.
GC Audio RE 73 Inherit Preamp Cartridge
- Ultra Low noise transistor
- Great care on PCB Routing
- Transformer VTB9045 High End shield version
- Digital gain control
- -20dB
Input impedance
- 1.2K Ohms
EIN (150 Ohms source at 65 dB – 20/22Khz)
- 125 dBu
- 0.05%.