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The GC Audio Density Compressor is a complete VCA Compressor.

The balancing and unbalancing stage consists of Lundhal transformers which remains to this day the only way to perform common mode rejection without adding distortion. The follower OPA have been chosen for optimal operation of the VCA.


Great care has been taken in the choice of capacitors. Each coupling and decoupling link is optimized for an impulse response. The low values are ensured by Wima plastics and the higher values by long Life low ESR electrolytic.


The output balancing stage consists of a Lundhal high level output transformer preceded by a solid low output impedance current generator stage. The few uH generated naturally by the output coil of the transformer brings density and a feeling of proximity.


No sound goes through the front panel switches, each switch drives gold contact mechanical relays or ultra low R-On solid state relays. The result is a responsive, quiet compressor with lots of character.

GC Audio Density Compressor - High End 500 Series VCA Compressor

  • Threshold : -30dB / +10dB

    Ratio : 1 / 20

    Attack : 0.1ms / 15ms

    Release : 1.5ms / 150ms

    Output gain : -20dB / +20dB

    HP filter side chain : 20Hz / 200Hz

    Auto time setting with « brick wall » limiter curve

    Knee setting

    All measurements are made with Audio Precision device, Z input = 100K Ohms

    THD + N @ max gain = 0.05%

    Noise = -81 dBu @ max gain (150 Input Load – 20Hz/20Khz)

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