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The Coles 4104B Lip Microphone is a ribbon microphone designed for commentary and speech capturing in noisy environments. A sensitive ribbon transducer is combined with a directional polar pattern and flat, low-cut frequency response at 16 Hz. The result is accurate signal reproduction without noise caused by ambiance or proximity effect.


In order to minimize noise and achieve the best frequency response, the Lip Microphone requires the user to position the microphone close to the mouth. A positioning bar makes contact with the user's lip and creates the correct talking distance between the user and microphone. Stainless steel breath shields protect the capsule against moisture and noise due to sibilance and plosive sounds. A removable, plastic hygiene shield is available and can be cleaned for reuse or thrown away.


Noise-Free in Ambient Environments

The Coles 4104B Lip Microphone is designed for commentary applications in noisy, ambient environments. Directional polar and linear frequency response with low-cut roll-off result in accurate reproduction with minimal noise.


Positioning Bar

A ribbon transducer is featured in the capsule and requires close positioning to the mouth for best results. A positioning bar makes contact with the user's lip and maintains the necessary talking distance.


Low Frequency Roll-Off

The Lip Microphone features a flat frequency response with a low-cut roll-off at 16 Hz. This eliminates low frequency ambient noise and noise due to proximity effect.

Coles Microphones 4104B Lip Microphone

  • Commentator's noise cancelling ribbon microphone

    Cancels out a considerable degree of background noise

    Reproduces high quality commentary speech from noisy surroundings

    Better than 30 dB average discrimination between voice and background noise

    Provides speech of broadcast quality completely free from breath noises

    Flat frequency response at the controlled talking distance

    Light in weight, robust in construction

    Ideal for commentating and reporting purposes where background noise level is high

    Good discrimination between unwanted and wanted sounds

    Balanced response coming from mouth and nose for clear natural speech reproduction

    Suppresses disturbing noise from lips and nostrils

    Clear individual commentary without mutual cross over talk

  • Ribbon

    - Corrugated Aluminum Protected by Line Woven Nylon Gauze

    Polar Response

    - Bi-Directional

    Frequency Response

    - 60 Hz - 12,000 Hz


    - 300 Ohm


    - -50 dB w.r.t. IV/Pa.

    Equivalent Electro-Magnetic Hum Pick Up

    - Less than 0.0002 dynes/cm2


    - Less than 1% at 120 dB SPL


    - 3-Pin XLR


    - 8" (200 mm) Long x 2-1/4" (57 mm) Wide x 3" (76 mm) Deep


    10 OZ. (283g)

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