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Pro Tools, Sibelius, and Reason are now available as downloadable codes through the Virtual Music Software Vault dealer program. These industry leading programs, along with dozens of other items, can you give you an instant boost in business. Offer your customers this convenient option. Sign up now to access codes and start getting that part of the recording sale.

All upgrades that happen in the 12 months after registration come at no additional charge. Here are the upgrades from the first 6 months – with more to come.

12.0: Improved I/O setup and monitoring/auto down-mixing, unlimited busses, in-app plug-in purchases and rentals, stability improvements.
12.1:Increased track count (128 audio, 512 instrument), track input monitoring, AFL/PFL Solo Modes, Copy to Send, Pro Tools ¦ Control support, support for Pro Tools ¦ S3 VCA Spill.
12.2: VCA Masters, Disk Cache, advanced metering, gain reduction metering, and new All Access plans, including bonus plug-ins (see sidebar)
12.3: Track Commit and Track Bounce workflows, Clip Transparency, batch fade enhancements and shortcuts,AudioSuite Pitch II. Recently a 12.4 upgrade was announced that includes the highly anticipated Track Freeze function which compliments the Track Commit workflows from 12.3.

Avid Pro Tools Studio Perpetual w/ 1 Year Updates + Support Plan, Boxed

  • Pro Tools – 1-Year Perpetual License Subscription
  • Pro Tools – 1-Year Perpetual License Subscription with Updates and Support Institutional Edition
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