About The Beard

The mission is simple, help people make the best sounding records
they can.
Much more than just gear, Red Beard Pro Audio is
a full-service professional audio company specializing in high-end recording studios.
With over 20 years of professional experience and some of the industries best technicians,
Red Beard Pro Audio is armed with
a combination of in-depth expertise and creative
From established multi-room facilities to bedroom studios every client is offered in-depth
customized solutions to best fit their needs.
Ranging from consultations, design projects, installation, and maintenance/repair issues, Red Beard consistently achieves superior results.
Over the last two decades, numerous world-class facilities have featured my signature
of exceptional quality.
It's this value of excellence that
Red Beard Pro Audio
is incredibly proud to deliver.

With this foundation, a new chapter begins. Each job, each project, is a unique experience with particular challenges for that specific environment.
There is no denying that the foundation of this industry is not rooted in sales figures,
but in the people.
The musicians, studio engineers,
gear addicts, and music lovers
that all helped build it.
Like you, my passion and overall obsession with music and recording is why I do this.
it is my belief that
principal importance always be placed on humankind and the building of relationships.
Without question,
the best and most important part
of the journey thus far
has been the people, the pro audio community.
The friendships forged within our communal destiny.
The timeless constant,
up, down, left, right, no direction,
no destination.
The steady unwavering clamor of
convention center interrogation.
"Got any shirts?"